Biomass and nutrients of accumulated litter in different forest covers


  • Marcos Vinicius Winckler Caldeira DCFM/CCA-UFES
  • Robertino Domingues da Silva Mestre em Ciências Florestais
  • Sustanis Horn Kunz DCFM/CCA-UFES
  • João Paulo Fernandes Zorzanelli Mestrando em Ciências Florestais/CCA-UFES
  • Kallil Chaves Castro Mestrando em Ciências Florestais/CCA-UFES
  • Tiago de Oliveira Godinho Engenheiro Florestal, Mestre em Ciências Florestais, Doutorando em Recursos Florestais. USP – Universidade de São Paulo – ESALQ - Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz”, Departamento de Ciências Florestais. Pesquisador INCAPER , BR 101 Norte, Km151, Caixa Postal 62, 29915–140, Linhares, ES.



Mata Atlântica, Indicadores, Restauração florestal.


This study aimed to assess biomass and nutrients from the litter in a conservation area in the
municipality of Alegre, ES. The study was conducted in three different forest covers included in the
Area of Ecological Interest (ARIE) Laerth Paiva Gama, being a Native Forest (MN), a Reforestation
of Eucalyptus and Acacia (REA) and Reforestation of several species (RED). The litter layer was
measured by the amount of biomass, the content and accumulation of nutrients in both harvests,
the first in the late dry season and the second end of the rainy season. In all the coatings, the
quantity of biomass was greater in the dry and followed values decreasing the amount of biomass
in both forest cover: REA > RED> MN. The levels of potassium, magnesium and boron, present in
the litter were higher in the dry season, however the levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, sulfur,
copper, iron, manganese and zinc, and organic carbon content did not differ between periods of
collection, only being discrepant between forest cover, no seasonal variation. The type of forest
cover has little influence on the levels of nutrients and in the dry season the accumulation of litter,
potassium, magnesium and boron were also indifferent to this variable.


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Author Biography

Marcos Vinicius Winckler Caldeira, DCFM/CCA-UFES

Bolsista de Produtividade em Pesquisa do CNPq.



How to Cite

Caldeira, M. V. W., Silva, R. D. da, Kunz, S. H., Zorzanelli, J. P. F., Castro, K. C., & Godinho, T. de O. (2013). Biomass and nutrients of accumulated litter in different forest covers. Comunicata Scientiae, 4(2), 111–119.



Original Article