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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
  • The submission form has been completed and will be attached to the
  • When submitted in Portuguese and if accepted the manuscript will be translated into English by specialized company and its costs will be the responsibility of the authors and does not correspond to the publication fee.

Author Guidelines

INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS (Download - Portuguese/ Download English)

FORM SUBMISSION (submission form)

Revised on April 2020

Comunicata Scientiae (e-ISSN: 2177-5133) is an international journal publishing research related to horticultural crops (from v10N4). Articles in the journal deal with all areas of horticulture - fruits, vegetables, aromatic and medicinal plants, edible fungi, ornamentals and landscape architecture, under temperate, subtropical, tropical and semiarid conditions. Original articles, scientific notes and review articles are published continuously (from 2020) in the journal in English.


Paper submission is online exclusively at the webpage (www., for this purpose the author should be properly registered in the journal´s system.


Papers should be submitted in A4 pages (210 x 297mm), pages and lines continuously numbered, double-spaced, Century Gothic font, size 12 and 2 cm margins. The maximum will be 30 pages for articles and 10 for scientific notes, including tables, figures and illustrations, which should come immediately below its citation in the text.


Phases of the evaluation process:

After manuscript receipt, it will be pre-checked by the authenticity of authorship online system DOCXWEB or Plagius, and, if approved, it will be submitted to a pre-selection considering the following aspects:

  1. i) The manuscript follows all the Instructions for Authors;
  2. ii) Planning and statistical adequacy;

iii) Character and importance: manuscripts with only local or regional importance will not be approved;

  1. iv) Relative Relevance: significant contribution to the advance of scientific knowledge in the specific area;
  2. v) At least 50% of the references must be from articles published in journals indexed in Scopus, SciELO or ISI Web of Knowledge, in last ten years. References of books, theses, dissertations, monographs and bulletins are accepted since provided the justification of their inclusion in the article and if they do not exceed 50% of the total of references;
  3. vi) English grammar adequacy;

vii) The names of the authors, should be included in the submission process in its third step "Inclusion of Metadata" with the following mandatory information: full name in full, email, institution / affiliation (municipality, state and country) and identifier ORCID of a maximum of eight (8) authors, unless justified, these same data must be sent as a supplementary document in the submission form available on the website;

viii) Abstract (Astract) must contain between 200 and 250 words, in a single paragraph. Each sentence must be informational and should not contain citations.


After the pre-selection, the manuscripts approved will be sent to an area editor to carry on the peer review process, by sending it to at least two independent and competent scientific advisers (ad hoc), who will follow the pre-established guidelines.

The Original Article should present the following topics: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and Discussion; Conclusions and References.


Title: In bold, typed with only the first letter of the sentence in capital letter and centered. It should be concise and indicate the content of the manuscript. Avoid non-significant terms like "study", "impact", "analysis", "effect", "influence", "evaluation", etc. Not exceed 100 characters including spaces.


Abstract (in English): Must be between 200 and 250 words, in one paragraph. Each sentence should give information and not present quotations. When submitting articles in English.


Keywords: Should be a minimum of three and a maximum of five, in lower case, alphabetical order and separated by commas. They must not be contained in the title and should reflect the central idea of the manuscript. Only scientific names should be italicized.

PS: At least two (2) keywords should be from Agrovoc (


Introduction: It should contain no more than 450 words. Concise explanation, in which the problem, its relevance, importance and objectives of the work are established.


Material and Methods: Must present logical sequence of description concerning the location, the timing of the research, treatments, materials and techniques used, as well as the statistic used in the data analysis. In the description of the methods used, cite correctly the published methods. In studies involving animals or genetically modified organisms there should be presented the protocol number of approval from the Bioethics Committee and/or Biosafety.

Equations: After manuscript acceptance it should be inserted as image (jpg, bmp), they cannot be typed using the equation editor of Word. The equations must receive a growing Arabic numbering. The equations must present the following standard size:

Length = 12 pt

Subscript / superscript = 8 pt

Sub-subscript/superscript = 5 pt

Symbol = 18pt

Sub-symbol = 14 pt


Results and Discussion: Present clearly and objectively the main results, in plain text or via graphics. Interpret the results in the work consistently and avoid unnecessary comparisons. Discuss only the results obtained in the study.

Note: The Results and Discussion section may be submitted separately.


Conclusions: The conclusions should be supported in the data of the performed research.


Acknowledgements: when relevant, it should be included before the references. In this topic it could be indicated the funding of research as well as other types of collaboration.


Citations and References: In the text, references should be cited by author and year, as the example for one author "(Henze, 2012)," two authors "(Henze & Brown, 2012)," three or more authors "(Henze et al., 2012) ", " ... as stated Henze et al. (2012) ". The term “et al.” should not be italicized.

The references cited should be presented in the topic References at the end of the text and they should appear in alphabetical order, according to the formats below:


Complete Scientific Article:

Tian, G., Kolawole, G.O. 2004. Comparison of various plant residues as phosphate rock amendment on Savanna soils of West Africa. Journal of Plant Nutrition 27: 571-583.

[Author Year. Title. Journal (italicized) Volume: first page – last page]



Bollag, J.M., Stozky, G. 2000. Soil biochemistry. Marcel Dekker, New York, USA. 519 p.

[Author Year. Title (italicized). Publisher, City, Country. Total pages p.]


Book Chapter:

Mizrahi, Y., Nerd, A. 1999. Climbing and columnar cacti: new arid land fruit crops. In: Janick, J. (ed.) Perspectives on new crops and new uses. ASHA Press, Alexandria, USA. p. 358-366.

[Author of the chapter. Year. Title of the chapter. In: Book Author. Book Title (italicized). Publisher, City, Country. Total pages p.]


Thesis or dissertation: Lobo, J.T. 2018. Bioestimulants for growing mangoes cv. Kent in São Francisco Valley. 67p. (M.Sc. Thesis) – Federal University of São Francisco Valley, Petrolina, Brazil.

 [Author Year. Title (italicized). Total pages p. (Thesis or Dissertation) - Institution, City, Country.]


On line Reference:

FAO. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 2012.<Access on 10 Feb. 2013>

[Author Title. Year. Electronic address <Access on (day month abbreviated. Year>]


Note: [Author] - The authors are separated by commas, surname (only the first letter capitalized) followed by initials (uppercase) and they have no space between them.

[Surname, initial of the first name. Initial of the middle name.]


References of papers published in events, personal communication and in press articles are not accepted. We recommend an average of 25 references.


Tables and figures should be self-explanatory, Century Gothic Font, size 10, numbered with Arabic numerals, introduced when mentioned with the title below for figures and above for tables.


Tables: Do not use vertical lines. The horizontal lines should be used to separate the heading title and the content, plus one at the end of the table. Each data must occupy a distinct cell. Do not use bold or capital letters in the header. Tables should be self-explanatory. The title receives initially the word Table, followed by a serial number in Arabic numeral and dot (ex. Table 1.), in bold. The title of the table should be formatted justified. There should not be an ending point at the end of the title. Very long titles and abbreviations should be avoided. Frames are not accepted.


Figure: should be mentioned in the text as Figure (full) and it refers to any graphic or something that presents lines and dots: drawing, photography, graphic, flowchart, diagram etc. Drawings, graphs and similar should be done in black and white or color. The titles receive initially the word Figure, followed by the serial number in Arabic numerals (ex. Figure 1.), in bold. Authors must pay attention to the proportions of letters, numbers and overall dimensions of the figure. Both tables and figures should come as close as possible to the paragraph which mentions them. Figures should not present edges.


After the manuscript final acceptance, the authors will be asked to send the figures on individual files (supplementary file, up to 300 dpi with one of these extensions (.Tif, .Jpg or .Bmp) with a maximum size of 2Mb per file.


The Scientific Notes should present simplified structure only containing: Title; Abstract; Keywords (maximum five), followed by a plain text and References.


The scientific nomenclature should be cited according to the criteria defined in the International Codes of each area.


Measurements and units should follow the International System (SI).


The paper file in “.doc” or ".docx" extension should not contain the names of the authors, these should be included in the submission process on its third step "Adding Metadata" with the following required information: full name, email, institution / affiliation (city, state and country) and ORCID identifier of a maximum of eight (8) authors, unless justification, these same data should be sent as an submission form in the submission form available on the website.


Studies based on routine results will usually not be accepted for publication.


The journal adopts a Creative Commons license, reserving the right to make, in the originals, normative, spelling and grammatical changes, in order to maintain the standard patterns of the language, however, respecting the style of the authors. The final proofs will be sent to the authors.


Once published, the papers may be transcribed, partially or totally, by citation of Comunicata Scientiae, authors, volume, page numbers and year. The opinions and concepts expressed in articles are solely of authors’ responsibility.


At the submission, it will be required to confirm the authors' declaration of no conflict of interest as a condition for submission.



Comunicata Scientiae (e-ISSN: 2177-5133)

Federal University of Piauí

Bom Jesus - Piauí State - Brazil

Once published, the papers may be transcribed, partially or totally, by citation of Comunicata Scientiae, authors, volume, page numbers and year. The opinions and concepts expressed in articles are solely of authors’ responsibility.

At the submission, it will be required to confirm the authors' declaration of no conflict of interest as a condition for submission.


Comunicata Scientiae Journal                            

Federal University of Piaui

Campus “Profa. Cinobelina Elvas”,

BR-135, km 03, CEP: 64.900-000

Bom Jesus – Piauí State –  Brazil



Original Article

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