Time and intensity of pruning in the development and production of blackberry cv. Xavante in organic system
crop treatments, Rubus spp., small fruit, seasonalityAbstract
The practice of winter pruning, held in temperate fruit, has great influence on the development and production of these crops. Changes in pruning system may result in significant changes in the time of harvest, yield and fruit quality.This study aimed to evaluate the effects of time and intensity of pruning in the development and production of blackberry cv. Xavante in organic production system. The experiment was conducted during the crop year 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 in the experimental orchard of the State University of Centro-Oeste (Unicentro)Guarapuava - PR. The experimental design was a randomized complete block design with five replications in a 2x2 factorial design, with two pruning times: early and late, and two intensities of pruning side branches: short and long, a total of four treatments. The variables analyzed were: budding percentage (%), percentage of flowering (%), average fruit weight (g), number of fruits, total soluble solids (°brix), yield (kg), estimated yield (kg ha-1) and early yield (kg plant-1 and %). The time and intensity of pruning did not influence the average fruit weight and soluble solids. Early pruning can be a good strategy to obtain higher yields in early harvest. Early and long pruning is recommended in the most productive terms.
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