Plot size and number of replications to assess the vegetable matter in oat
Avena sativa L., experimental design, uniformity trialsAbstract
The determination of the optimum plot size in agricultural crops is important for obtaining accurate inferences in the treatments in question. This study aimed at determining the optimum plot size (Xo) and the number of replications to evaluate the fresh matter (FM) and the dry matter (DM) of oat and at verifying the variability of Xo among cultivars and sowing dates. Ninety-six uniformity trials of 3×3 m were performed and each assay was divided into 36 basic experimental units (BEU) of 0.5×0.5 m. The 96 uniformity trials were distributed in four cultivars and three sowing dates. At the flowering stage, FM and DM were determined in each BEU. Then, the Xo was determined in each uniformity assay, using the maximum curvature method of the coefficient of variation model. In oat, there is variability of Xo among cultivars and sowing dates to measure FM and DM. For the four cultivars on the three sowing dates, the Xo of 1.66 m2 and of 1.73 m2 are suitable to evaluate FM and DM, respectively. Four replications to evaluate the maximum of 50 treatments in completely randomized design and randomized blocks design are sufficient so that the differences among treatment means of 44.75% of the experiment mean may be significant, using the Tukey test at 5% probability to measure FM and DM in oat.
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