Quality and yield of yam tubers cultivated with green manure in the Northeastern Brazil


  • Marlon Da Silva Garrido UNIVASF
  • Ana Cristina Fermino Soares UFRB
  • Rômulo Simões Cezar Menezes UFPE
  • Everardo Valadares de Sá Barreto Sampaio UFPE
  • Erik Micael da Silva Souza UNIVASF
  • Bruno Lopes do Nascimento Macedo UNIVASF




Cajanus cajan, Crotalaria juncea, Dioscorea cayennensis Lam., sunn hemp, pigeon pea


Yam (Dioscorea cayennensis Lam.) is a promising crop for small growers in the Northeast of Brazil, but productivities are limited due to low fertilization rates. Green manure could be an alternative due to its low cost and high availability. However, there is little information available regarding the effects of green manures on the productivity of yam. The quality and yield of yam tubers, “da costa” variety, were evaluated under application of three different green manures and a control treatment: 1) yam intercropped with sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea L.); 2) yam intercropped with pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan L.); 3) yam intercropped with a combination of sunn hemp and pigeon pea; and 4) conventional yam crop system. The experiment was laid out in a randomized block design, with four repetitions. The data was submitted to analysis of variance and averages compared by Tukey´s test at 5%. Percentage values were transformed into arc sen (x/100)0.5. Sunn hemp and the combination of sunn hemp with pigeon pea produced the highest green manure biomasses (3.8 and 3.6 t DM ha-1, respectively) versus 2.1 t ha-1 with the use of only pigeon pea. However, the N concentration was higher in pigeon pea than in sunn hemp (26 and 16 g kg-1). Intercropping with pigeon pea led to the highest yield for total tubers (33.1 t ha-1), for market quality (32.2 t ha-1) and standard exportation quality tubers (23.0 t ha-1).


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Author Biographies

Marlon Da Silva Garrido, UNIVASF

Prof. Adjunto III Colegiado de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental e Colegiado de Pósgraduação em Engenharia Agrícola UNIVASF. Area Experimentação agrícola, Manejo e Conservação de Solos. D.Sc. Aplicação de Rádio Isótopos na Agricultura e Meio Ambiente.

Ana Cristina Fermino Soares, UFRB

Professora Titular da UFRB, Area Microbiologia do solo e manejo das culturas agrícolas.Bolsista Produtividade em pesquisa CNPq

Rômulo Simões Cezar Menezes, UFPE

Professor Associado II UFPE, Departamento de Energia Nuclear, Area Manejo de Solos e Fertilidade do solo. PHD. Solos.Bolsista Produtividade em pesquisa CNPq

Everardo Valadares de Sá Barreto Sampaio, UFPE

Professor Titular da UFPE, Departamento de Energia Nuclear, Bolsista Produtividade em pesquisa CNPq, Fertilidade do solo e manejo e conservação de solos.

Erik Micael da Silva Souza, UNIVASF

Aluno de Iniciação científica Graduando em engenharia Agronomica UNIVASF. Membro do nucleo de modelagem e estudos Ambientais NUMEIA-CNPq-FINEP.

Bruno Lopes do Nascimento Macedo, UNIVASF

Aluno de Iniciação científica Graduando em Engenharia Agricola e ambiental UNIVASF. Membro do nucleo de modelagem e estudos Ambientais NUMEIA-CNPq-FINEP.




How to Cite

Garrido, M. D. S., Soares, A. C. F., Menezes, R. S. C., Sampaio, E. V. de S. B., Souza, E. M. da S., & Macedo, B. L. do N. (2018). Quality and yield of yam tubers cultivated with green manure in the Northeastern Brazil. Comunicata Scientiae, 8(2), 275–280. https://doi.org/10.14295/cs.v8i2.1725



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