New ambrosia beetle on guanandi tree (Calophyllum brasiliense Cambessedes)
Premnobius cavipennis, Scolytidae, woodborer.Abstract
Calophyllum brasiliense, known as Guanandi, is a heliophytic tree, and native to the Americancontinent and show great historic importance in Brazil. There is some information about insectsassociated with this tree species, but very few specific records. The aim of this study was to describethe occurrence and damage of a new Ambrosia beetle attacking Guanandi tree. In order to getthis information, pieces of attacked Guanandi branch were collected and kept under observationfor a period of 39 days. Adult beetles emerged from the timber were collected and measured.Branch pieces were dissected to evaluate the damage caused by the Ambrosia beetle to thewood. We collected 113 adult beetles, identified as Premnobius cavipennis, Eichhoff with a bodylength ranging from 2.7 to 2.9 mm. The timber infested with P. cavipennis had tunnels (galleries) andholes, with diameters ranging from 1.1 to 1.3 mm. Furthermore, we observed that the timber showedstains around the galleries, which were caused by a fungus introduced by this beetle into the wood.This study is the first record of attack and damage of P. cavipennis in the Guanandi tree.Downloads
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How to Cite
Morais, W. C. de C., Souza, M. E. P. de, & Anjos, N. dos. (2011). New ambrosia beetle on guanandi tree (Calophyllum brasiliense Cambessedes). Comunicata Scientiae, 2(1), 49–52.
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